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StrongBodies Research
StrongBodies Research
StrongBodies is a research-based program.
Research shows that regular exercise provides many benefits to mature women. Yet only 7% of middle-aged and older women exercise daily.
Regular weight-bearing exercise helps older women increase their strength, muscle mass and bone density, and decreases the risk of osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, depression and obesity. Exercise has also been shown to improve self-confidence, sleep and vitality.
Preventing the onset of osteoporosis—porous bones that break easily and heal slowly—is especially important for middle-aged and older women. One out of every three women over the age of 40 suffers from this condition. The good news is that exercise can contribute to the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. For many Wisconsin communities, the challenge lies in finding ways to provide education and opportunities for older women to get the essential exercise they need.
Research Materials
Research About the Benefits of Strength Training
Nelson, Targeted Exercise for Promoting Bone Health in Women
Seguin, The Benefits of Strength Training for Older Adults
*Seguin, Design and National Dissemination of the StrongWomen Community Strength Training Program
Stamatakis, Does Strength Promoting Exercise Confer Unique Health Benefits?
Kamada, Strength Training and All-Cause, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer Mortality in Older Women
Research About the Social Component
A special issue on the role of social networks in adult health & aging: http://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2014/05/social-networks.aspx
Santini ZI, Fiori KL, Feeney J, Tyrovolas S, Haro JM, Koyanagi A. Social relationships, loneliness, and mental health among older men and women in Ireland: A prospective community-based study. Journal of affective disorders. 2016;204:59-69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2016.06.032
Gardner PJ. Natural neighborhood networks — Important social networks in the lives of older adults aging in place. Journal of Aging Studies. 2011; 25(3): 263-271. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaging.2011.03.007
This article describes findings from a qualitative study of volunteer leaders in the StrongWomen strength training program in Arkansas. The study explored reasons volunteers initially agreed to serve, perceptions of volunteer role, and motivations for continuing to lead strength training groups long-term. Findings suggest a combination of factors supporting volunteer engagement: personal benefit of program, desire to continue program combined with a personal invitation to volunteer extended by the agent, desire to support a co-leader, and exercise and social support needs met through volunteer service. Motivations of Extension health program volunteers are important to address to maximize program impact.
Washburn, Motivations of Volunteer Leaders in an Extension Exercise Program